Package 'pannotator'

Title: Visualisation and Annotation of 360 Degree Imagery
Description: Provides a customisable R 'shiny' app for immersively visualising, mapping and annotating panospheric (360 degree) imagery. The flexible interface allows annotation of any geocoded images using up to 4 user specified dropdown menus. The app uses 'leaflet' to render maps that display the geo-locations of images and panellum <>, a lightweight panorama viewer for the web, to render images in virtual 360 degree viewing mode. Key functions include the ability to draw on & export parts of 360 images for downstream applications. Users can also draw polygons and points on map imagery related to the panoramic images and export them for further analysis. Downstream applications include using annotations to train Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) models and geospatial modelling and analysis of camera based survey data.
Authors: Nunzio Knerr [aut, cre] , Robert Godfree [aut] , Matthew Petroff [ctb], CSIRO [cph]
Maintainer: Nunzio Knerr <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Built: 2025-03-12 06:03:55 UTC

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Run the Shiny Application


'run_app()' starts the Shiny application contained in this package, with an option to load settings from a YAML file using additional option: projectSettingsFile = "pathToYamlFile".


  onStart = NULL,
  options = list(),
  enableBookmarking = NULL,
  uiPattern = "/",



A function that will be called before the app is actually run. This is only needed for shinyAppObj, since in the shinyAppDir case, a global.R file can be used for this purpose.


Named options that should be passed to the runApp call (these can be any of the following: "port", "launch.browser", "host", "quiet", "display.mode" and "test.mode"). You can also specify width and height parameters which provide a hint to the embedding environment about the ideal height/width for the app.


Can be one of "url", "server", or "disable". The default value, NULL, will respect the setting from any previous calls to enableBookmarking(). See enableBookmarking() for more information on bookmarking your app.


A regular expression that will be applied to each GET request to determine whether the ui should be used to handle the request. Note that the entire request path must match the regular expression in order for the match to be considered successful.


Additional arguments to pass to 'golem_opts'. See '?golem::get_golem_options' for more details.


This function initializes and runs the Shiny app developed with the golem framework. It optionally loads application-specific settings from a YAML file, which can be useful for project-specific configurations.


No return value, called for side effects. Launches the Shiny app.


if (interactive()) {
  # Example: Run the application with default settings

  # Example: Run the application with a specific YAML configuration file
  run_app(projectSettingsFile = "C:/test-project.yml")